Station available


OK, on the day before the collection of our rental-ZOE I thought it would be a good idea to write a few lines about my first experiences with the carsharing company "E-Wald".

The reservation of the ZOE worked flawless completely online. The website www.e-wald.eu informs about the procedure of registration and reservation. After a bit searching around you can also find the location of the desired car. It is also shown if the car is available and how the batterie charging status is.

After my online registration I received a mail with a contract attached. The contract was already filled in with my data. I was asked to bring the contract, my passport and driving licence to an E-Wald office personally, before I first pick up a car. I would then get my personal ID-Card. So from then on, I would be able to book an collect cars without any personal contact.

Making the reservation of the car was already possible without the ID-Card. So I found out, that there was a ZOE available in "Plattling". The car was free for 4 weeks and there is an office of E-Wald in Plattling to get the ID-Card. All clear. I made the reservation. Exciting :-)

As it is a 100km drive to Plattling, the exclusive online communication was a bit too uncertain for me. So I tried to reach the E-Wald office in Plattling by phone. The office is part of the travel center of the German Railroad and they decided not to need telephones anymore. So just to be sure, that everything works out I called the head office of E-Wald. They assured me, that everything is routine. Bring the contract, take the car. Easy ...

So I'm now very keen on what is going to happen tommorow ...

Everything will be alright :-)